Archive for the ‘community quilts’ Category

Guild show and tell

December 27, 2013

Our guild will be discussing several easy scrap designs in January. Alice and I were pondering what would make a good scrappy community quilt with a new spin. We both think that the “SLAB” quilts made by the zillions for the Calgary and High River Flood victims would make a good project.

I certainly have enough scraps , but lacked the largest size of plexi ruler for squaring up 15 1/2 inch blocks. So treated myself to a online order that should be here any day. In the meantime I can continue building slabs.

I started on the aqua scraps, proceeded to the yellow bin and then the peach bin. I have enough for the aqua and yellow blocks to make the lap top size pictured below.

The originator of this idea is Cheryl Arkison, who wrote recently published Sunday Morning Quilts. She is a Calgary quilter who thought she would ask Alberta quilters to make these slabs from their scrap bins. She hoped that she might get enough blocks to put together a few dozen quilts and ask her local friends to quilt them and give them to flooded families. Well, she got a whole lot more than anyone could ever expect!! There’s an explanation and lots of quilts to view in a couple of photo galleries and blog posts HERE and HERE.
I seem to be having trouble with these links- so until I fix the glitch – please do a search for Slab quilts or Calgary flood quilts and you should find lots on Google.

I have just one bit of advice and that is the smaller your scrap, the more seams and more thread, more squaring up and more fussing to end up with 15 inch block. I should have larger pieces of scrap for the next colors.